UX @ Designit

I worked as a UX Designer at Designit - Bengaluru  where I designed solutions for clients across industries such as healthcare, FinTech & FMCG. My work spanned user experience, visual design, brand identity & research.

2020/ fintech / leading indian stock exchange

Digital transformation of key systems to run financial market processes

We worked with a leading stock exchange with 1000+ listed companies on a complete overhaul of their legacy systems, specifically addressing their E2E needs.
In collaboration with process consulting partners, domain experts and technology teams, Designit was the design partner for creating integrated systems that make everyday critical tasks effective.

My Role
Managing multiple stakeholder expectations, I worked in agile cross-functional teams to understand the journeys & pain points of the users to design future-ready interfaces with the best UX/UI practices. I worked on the Trading & Settlement and Collateral Management journeys and worked with the team to create a detailed design system for the organisation.

The new systems make the organisation future ready by removing redundancies and turn-around time, integrate fragmented platforms and bring better user experience to complex, data-heavy platforms.

2020/ banking / leading american bank

Multi-modal banking experience

A demo made for a leading bank from the USA reimagining the future of banking as a multi-modal experience aided by the ever-helpful virtual assistant, Mark.

The ask was to design a multi-modal (voice + screen display) bill pay experience for bank customers. 12 use cases were melded together in one cohesive story to show the end-to-end flow of all things related to bill payments in the day in the life of a Bank customer, Jeremy.
This journey was storyboarded and brought to life through a seamless experience that combined 2 touchpoints- Jeremy's smartphone and his smart speaker. Both experiences were prototyped to a high fidelity using Adobe XD's novel voice prototyping feature and as an Alexa skill on the Echo.

View full case >
Journio was a finalist in the IxDA (Interaction Design Awards) 2021 'Expressing' category
2020/ EDUCATION / DESIGNIT FUTURES (internal project)
finalist, Ixda 2021 (express category)

Journio – Enabling students to express their emotions during this time of pandemic

As part of Designit's  Futures project, I worked in a team of researchers, experience and visual designers to work on an internal project aimed at bringing positive intervention to a vital space turned upside-down by COVID-19: the school.

Since the implementation of Covid-19 restrictions, students have been asked to stay home and advised online or distance learning indefinitely. As a result, prolonged isolation, decrease in outdoor play times and increased screen time is expected to impact student’s emotional well-being. Formal education in the new normal also presents novel challenges for teachers as it is hard to discern emotions and emotive feedback virtually.

The Solution
Journio: a digital platform that can improve Emotional Intelligence (EI) in school-going children between 5-12 years by addressing the pressing need for teachers and parents to recognise and empathise with students’ emotions and guide them in these unprecedented times.

The platform is designed for 3 stakeholders:
1. Students- can capture moods, emotions and participate in feedback loops as needed.
2. Teachers- can track and analyse emotions of students as well as address their emerging issues with insight.
3. Parents- can not only stay abreast of the emotional and learning aspects of their children., but can also interact with teachers.

We started with in-depth desk research followed by primary research with  teachers, parents and students. The insights derived enabled us to design the platform and lucidity, intuition, playfulness and collaboration became the core tenets of our UX strategy.

Journio is a concept backed with research findings and fuelled by the passion to widen perspectives on conventional approach to the educational experience. Journio prescribes to empathy, communication and holistic development of students at its core.

Watch video>
Anonymised image for representation purposes only
2019/ HEALTHCARE / leading healthcare services MNC

Mobile experience design for inventory management

We worked with one of the largest multinational health care services companies in the world to redesign a next-gen mobile experience for their existing online pharmacy commerce platform.
The new mobile service helps pharmacies order medicines, manage inventory and automate stock refilling.

My role
Working alongside a Senior Experience Designer and with Designit’s technology partners – Buildit, we designed and developed the new app for iOS and Android. I worked on the inventory management experience. We also built a design system which was handed over to the product team after the project's completion.

The first release helped in faster & convenient inventory management by the pharmacies leading to service transactions worth billions of dollars through the mobile channel.

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More Projects

2021/ Brand Identity, Web Design, Webflow Development

Meraki Labs

2020/ UI/UX, Conversational Design

Multi-Modal Banking Experience


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